Assalamualaikum wbt everyone and heyyyy hoooo! Hope everyone in the pink of health and under Allah's protection. :)
Actually, my senior, Kak fadhilah just came back from Mekah past few days. I was like? Whattttttt?! She should at least told me. I wanna ask her to send my regard to Rasulullah saw. I miss my Prophet a lot, i miss Madinah city, and yes, of course i do miss Mekah a lot. But never mind, InsyaAllah, if Allah gives me the opportunity to get there of course i will get there on one fine day maybe.
As you know, i have been there for few times (please do not misunderstand, im not being riya'). As for my family, going to Mekah is like a tradition. Either we go during the Ramadhan and celebrate our eid there or during the mid year holidays. Well, i or my family will more prefer to go during the Ramadhan. At least we can go for Solat Tarawih and Solat Tahajud which normally other normal months didn't have it. Anyway, this time post, let me tell you some tips/strories if you are going to Mekah during the Ramadhan. Frankly, i am not really good at explaining, but insyallah i will try my best. Hehe.
Normally we would be landing at Jeddah airport and directly went to Mekah. If you depart from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in 3 pm something, you should be in King Abdul Aziz airport at around 11 or 12 something. Well, i prefer to arrive at night cause when you wanna perform umrah, you will be less tired than perform during the day. However, during the nights, Masjidil Haram will totally crowded since there will be solat tahajud and solat terawih (20 Rakaat, 1 juz each day. ) Make sure that parents always with their children cause you might loss them in such that big mosque. It is so important that you have your hotel cards even you remember how to get back to your hotel from Masjidil Haram. If you are going to perform umrah, i suggest you to bring a bottle of water. Well, in any case you accidently fart that will be helping a lot. The toilet is located outside the masjid and i am sure you dont want to waste your energy and time just to go to the toilet to take wudhu' and enter the masjidil haram again and start doing tawaf again. Maybe you might think it is okay not to bring water since the zamzam barrel is everywhere. Well, that is true but you know right how crowded it is, so i am sure that it is going to be a lil bit difficult to get the zamzam barrel. Hopefully that you can perfom your umrah as best you can and i wish you will get a mambrur umrah insyaallah. :)
We will continue about other things later on the next post insyaallah. Ma'salamah. ^^
This is our flight :)) |
Before depart. |
People entering the flight. |
So, this is Jeddah city ^^ |
Finally arrived at King Abdul Aziz airport. Yey! |
Luggages |
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