Salam Alaik and hi people. 

Okay, have to admit today wasn't a good day. Haih! Banyak betul dugaan. Tapi......
Bear this in mind dear heart. 
"Allah ada Allah ada Allah ada"

Take a deep breathe. 

Ok, let's begin. Bismillah.

So last friday night my sisters and I went to Mega usrah musical in iium which was held at CAC hall. It was super duper truper fun. It was a new and fresh idea to attract youngsters to participate in usrah cause there was islamic music element added. (ok, nama pun usrah MUSICAL.) The naqib (the leader of the usrah) that night was Imam Muda Nazrul. Tabarakallah! He did such a great job. He was very friendly and funny, Mashaallah! I never thought he is that kind of person and i was so grateful to meet you in person ustaz. Hehe. And there were also Kak Noni, (iium student) Kak farah adeeba, ustaz nazmi, brother hilal and brother muadz. Subhanallah! They're truly such an amazing people. To be honest, i really love Kak Farah's point. It was really well said you know.

"Islam is beautiful but people make it worst." -kak farrah


Because some of the muslims are being overly judgemental towards the non-muslim. Harsh but that's the truth! 

So kak farah did share with us a story about a non-muslim girl which was quite a great speaker (barely remember about the girl) She was actually interested in islam. So she decided to continue her study in iium only for the sake to explore more about islam. She even had to wear skirts and better clothes even though she used to wear short pants and sleeveless shirts before entering iium. In iium she started to read the quran tafsir. In short, over a year she studied in iium, guess what happened to her?
Sorry, but your guess was absolutely wrong.


Why? Bacause of the people. That always looked at her like she had committed a big sin or did any bad mistake. The one that once tried to explore and be close to islam now had hated islam even more. Don't you feel guilty about that?

Dear muslims, i beg you and even myself to stop being too judgemental toward others. Instead of staying away from those who astray from His path, why don't we help them. Guide them. Hold their hand and give them hope. Make them repent. Bring them closer to islam.

But how?
One of them is by having this kind of usrah. To be honest people, usrah is not only for those who wears tudung labuh (no offend) like what we had discussed in the usrah. Some people always think that way that usrah is only for those who looks like ustazah and so what. But hey, stop with that perception lah. Usrah is for all. Regarding the tudung labuh, what i could say is, just make sure your aurah is fully COVERED eventho without wearing tudung labuh. You know what i mean right?
Haih! Just pretend like you do lah. haha.

Anyway, i just wanna share to the girls out there about an event called dakwah street that will be held on 8 dec in Alamanda, Putrajaya. And yeap, I'll be going for it. weeee~ Here's the detail.

Oh, i'm sure you've heard about the story of the martyr Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azzam. What a great man is he, indeed.
Aku nak syahid gak weh!
Tapi itulah, iman di dada masih belum tebal.
Moga Allah permudahkan perjalanan aku mencari redhaNya. :)

i'll end this post with a video about Ahmad ammar. May this video will inspire us to become a better muslim In sha allah. -be prepared with some tissues. You might cry a river watching this. :)

مَنْ سَأَلَ اللَّهَ الشَّهَادَةَ بِصِدْقٍ بَلَّغَهُ اللَّهُ مَنَازِلَ الشُّهَدَاءِ وَإِنْ مَاتَ عَلَى فِرَاشِهِ
“Barangsiapa memohon dengan jujur kepada Allah agar  mati syahid, maka Allah akan sampaikan ia kepada kedudukan para syuhada walaupun ia mati di atas ranjangnya.” (HR Muslim 3532)
